Friday, October 22, 2010


It took a lot for me to get naked in front of a camera. Hell in front of a guy I met like maybe 4 or 5 times before. Trusting him on his vi son in what he wanted to express with me. See, I love all forms of art. I love to be used for the sake of the newness to something that has been done before. I will get naked with a twist. And with all my years on earth I feel I can just be me in whatever I chose to face. With this shoot (however) I didn't give him what he wanted. Sadly, It was more for me turning a milestone and letting go of my fears of me. I have taken naked pictures before. That was.....well It's nothing like the first time. But I walked away from this shoot feeling disappointed. I had to dig deep inside of me to understand why I did it in the first place. It wasn't to see what I see. But to look at me as you see me. and you expressed you had no shots. It blew me away. Not really knowing what I needed to do, being naked and still trying to keep it all together. I understood why women with a mothers body don't get naked in front of a camera. So that is exactly why I am doing again. Chad is a wonderful artist. His work is bright happy and him. I love that I did it and will be doing it again. After the experience with him I ask alot of questions to myself. And got alot of clear answers. So this time around you have to be naked when you take the pictures. Kidding, I say to Chad press on with your movement and you have my support.